Sunday 20 November 2011

Research Images and Meaning

Media, Advertising and Propaganda
This Poster is of Kitchener Pointing with a caption saying 'Your country needs YOU'.This poster makes the reader feel its them that He is pointing at so they would sign up and join the army. The image makes the reader feel like they are needed and that they would feel bad not signing up. This was one of the major posters used to get people to join the Army when World war 1 started. It is a historical poster as it was used in 1914.

This is a image of a buisness person with what seems to be a american hand over his mouth, with the captions saying 'Quiet!' 'Know your place, Shut your face!'. It is an american Propaganda poster during World war 2. I think this poster shows that If the british or another country goes to far then america has to stop them or sort this out.  
This is a poster of Barack Obama for his Campaign in 2008, With writing saying 'HOPE'. This is a very interesting poster. This picture is showing that there is hope in change, and that Barack is the one who is promising it. I think this was a great poster and becamse very famous through the election time as Barack went to then become president. This shows that culture has changed alot, and showing that times are changing.
This is a Billboard for Ikea, The word 'Joy' is made out of different funiture. This Billboard is trying to get across to people that shopping at Ikea and having their products will be a 'Joy' to have and will make you happy. I like the this Billboard and I think its a great way to get customers to want to shop there.
Historical Images: This is a image of Soilders Raising up the American flag on a Island. This was takend during the battle of Iwo Jima in World War 2.What I feel this picture shows is a sense of achievement, that they have succeded in the battle. This gives a feeling of power, stength and sorting right from wrong. This is a very famous historical picute and is seen in a lot of histories to do with the second world war.

This is a image of cave paitnings, the paitning shows humans fighting animals. What I feel it gets across is development, the human race getting stronger and wiser as they are able to make weapons to hunt food.It makes me see that Humans have changed dramaticly in the past of our excistance. It also shows that paintings done on walls have now changed image and messages ans its mostly graffiti now. This wa one of the very first paintings in prehistoric times.
This is a image of Vice President JFK in a car. This is a famous image of John F kennedy before he was assassinated shortly after. I picked this image as I found it very interesting and it has a lot of history and twists and turns behind the assassination. I dont know if they found a explanation and a reason behind it or if theirs conspiracys around. This was taken and happened November 22nd. 1963. I think this brings up the question 'are people still wanting this happened in times still with each president?'.
This is a picture of a person Standing infront of Tanks. The meaning is ton show freedom, he Is standing up for peoples Freedom and how People dont want Wars to be started or going on. This person is being very brave and getting in the way of the tanks to protest which a lot of people wont do. It makes me see that War isn't good, but unfortuantly it still happens in the world. This is a historical photo shot 1989 when the cold war was going on.
This is a image of A Abraham Lincon Statue. Presidnet Lincon was considered one of the greatest presidents of the united states, ending slavery and leading the country through the american civil war. This is another image to shows change,that this presidnet was very important.
This is a photo of the famous Mt. Rushmore, it is a Sculpture of four former Presidents of the USA. The four presidents are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincon. It represents the first 130 of the history of the United states. It shows the founding, growth and development of the USA. This memorial was finnished in 1941.
Artwork: This is a image of Graffiti, the Graffiti is of a child about to blow up a bag behind a person sniping. This really shows the culture of Bristol as Banksy has a lot of other work around the area, its a very realistic style and some people might even think it looks real. This is a great piece of art for talking and showing culture in the modern time and I think its a great piece of art.
This is a image of a famous piece of art called The presistence of memory. The art is of Clocks melting.This image has a lot of meaning to it a lot in the image, I think it shows the irrelavance of time when in memory or a dream, The artist describes the mind and the time as 'Cheese' that is Full of Holes (Unreliable). This is very popular in modern culture. It was painted in 1931.
This is a photo of some graffiti. The graffiti is the words in red 'I don't believe in war' and Black writing next saying 'It's to late sonny!'. I think this is a brilliant piece of Graffiti, Its showing that its to late to stop war and that it wont stop. Many people dont believe in war but its to late and they dont have a choice. This is a modern pieec of art and is one of many from the artist Team Robbo.
This is another photo of the graffiti. The Graffiti is a child holding a balloon, and the ballon being the 'O' of text saying 'No future'. This give across a very strong clear message. The chils seems to have No future for her, the only thing she has is the Balloon. Its about the world changing now and a lot of changes happening in the world. It also a great choice of location chosen for this art to be.
This is a image of famous Artist Jimi Hendrix made out of strands of film. I feel the meaning behind this peice of art is that Music can come alive, its more than jsut music, even if the artist has passed away music is still a strong culture and movement. It shows alot about music and the way it has changed through the years. Its shown her with a tape, Modern days its digital and Cds and most artist dont evn put across good message across.
This is another famous piece of art. The art is of Waves with boats in the sea. This is the great wave off Kanagawa, It was published sometime between 1830-1833. It consists of three elements: The sea whipped up, the boats and the mountain which is Mount Fuji. This image has a lot going on it is. The mountain is there to show national Identiy of Japan. the clouds around showing that there's a storm, but no rain. I think this shows the power of the waves, but also the power of the people on the boat. I think the mountain being smaller makes the waves look more powerful. I tihnk its a great pice and has a lot of meaning. 
Urban Signs & Symbols: This is a Danger sign. It looks like just a Exclamtion mark in a yellow triangle. But people know it as a warning or danger sign. The exclamation sign exaggerates the situation and people know the yellow as a colour of caution or a danger. It has been around a long time and is used for General caution.
This is the Symbol of the red cross. It is a red cross. People know the Red croas is a health symbol. A lot of people know that when they see a red cross they think of and know health. Using as the Red cross sign shows people that the association helps people in need. Its a nice and simple symbol to use but people know what it means and hat they do.
This is a 'at' symbol, It is used for emails. This is a commercial symbol, called at site or at the rote of, Meaning at and at the rate of. In email terms it means 'Email name' at 'The adress site'. It is also used in Computer Program and Many other Languages and Subject and Formulas. 
This is a image of a panda, it is the WWF logo. This is a very famous logo/ Symbol. People will know it is WWF when they se this panda. The panda is one of the animals that are close to becoming Exctinct, so it shows that the association helps and tries to prevent these animals from becoming Excitint. It is a very bland and sharpe logo but I think it gets across to people well.
This is a Apple. It is The logo for the Apple company. When people see a apple logo like that they will know that is part of the company Apple. It isnt the most colourful of logos, But it is still unique and sharpe nd makes the company stand out from other companys. 
This is a peace symbol. This is a very famous symbol, and a lot of people know this is peace. It makes me feel Relaxed, knowing that there is peace ain the world, but things in the world are covering it up, pushing it away. It is a very powerful symbol and is used whenever people want to get across the message of peace.
Good Examples of Design: This is a USB memory stick. I picked this as a good example as its a great piece of technology, having all of this Data in one tiny portabal stick that you can move from one computre or hardrive to the other. There are many different entities claiming they invented the USB flash drive, Which I find itresting as people are arugueing over creating a piece of technology.
This is a image of a old Mobile phone.I picked this as it shows a lot of development and change in the technology and communication skills throughout the centuarys. First was morse code, the first telephone was invented in the 1940's and was wired. now technology has grew and its now wireless, has music players and cameras and lots more added on. It shows how much science and the world grows to adapt.
This is a Image of a Nintendo DS. This again shows the development and change in the technology world. This console being in the seventh generation of consoles, From it starting off a simple 'Pong' Game on tv, to having High defenition Graphics, Even on hand held consoles now. This makes me think a lot about how did humans great from cavemen, from adding so much together to get such complicated devices, even a simple television being complicaed.
This is a Picture of a Epiphone Les Paul Guitar. I picked this as a good desing as it may look simple, But its a very complicated instrument. Strings perfect put in place and played to make notes in music. Guitars have been around for four cenetries but have changed so much to get to the way they are today. It shows a lot about how people started to make music and insturments to make notes that please the ear.
This is a image of The Model T ford. The first ever car. This is a great example of hown culture has changed in the world of cars, firts starting off as a mode of transtport, Now people want cars that are the newest and best looking less concentrating on it getting from A to B. It shows how people use Cars changed dramaticly through the years, still for transport, but also for much more now.

This is a Image of a Television. This is the first ever television to be invented. This is very interesting to see about generations and the culture of how the television is used. this Television was just simple black and white, But technology grew and now tv's are as big as 60" and having High defintion graphics that make it look like you are there in the scene.
Scientific Images/ Optical Illusions: This is a image of a elephant Illusion, The question is 'How many legs does this elephant have?' This is a image to get the brain working, even tho there is no right or wrong answer. The information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain to give a preception that does not tally with Physical measurement of the stimulus source.
This is another Optical Illusion, It is a image of cubes made into a big cube, with one of the cubes should be in two different places. It gives a false preception of depth. The same happens with the last image.
This is a very famous Optical Illusion. It is Colours writen down using different colour font to the world itself. What is meant to be Done is for the reader to read out the colour of the font and not of what is says. The person will find it very difficult. The left part of the brain is trying to say the words itself, but the right side is trying to say the colours.
This is a Optical Illusion on the street and made of chalk. What you see is a person standing on a tall wall while Spider man is coming from the ground towards him. These images and pieces of chalk art also give a false preception of depth, looking at it at the right angle makes it look like its actually there. I fid this is great and its in modern culture and its a part of street art/graffiti. 
This is another ground chalk optical illusion. what we see is the ground broken and water flowing through the cracks. To make it even more Illusional, there is People pretending to go down on a rubber ring. Looking at it at the right angle makes it look like the pavement is actualy cracked and water is pouring down it, the people on the dingy make it look much more realistic.
This is a very interesting peice of a chalk optical Illusion. it is of Tranformer character 'Bumble Bee' Holding a mountain Dew Coming out a train station. Optical illusions like this, which is street art and graffiti can also hold advertisement in, as this character is holding A bottle of 'Mountain dew'. I find this image a great Illusion an shows a lot about culture.
Interactive Media: This is a advert found n the youtube home page of a clothes brand. You do not have to click on the advert but if you want to the advert opens up and it will take you to the website. It is a great website to put the advert on as millions of people go on you tube everyday.
This is a online advert that plays before videos on youtube. It is an advert for a new camera. This is another great place to put the advert, before the video, if the person wants to know mroe they can claick on the video and it will link to the website. Sometimes they can skip the advert sometimes they cant.
This is a advert found when singing into Yahoo Mail. It is a advert for Hotels Abroad. This is another great website to place a advert, as its behind the bar in which you put your adress and password to sign in, you will haev to look at it to get in.

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